Thursday, April 24, 2014

20 months - Disc dogging it

The snow is finally gone! Can I get a hallelujah!? Seriously, some days it is still bitterly cold (this morning was below zero and yesterday we actually got flurries... WTH?) but at least I can work in my backyard again. We are taking advantage of working our weave poles, which I'll get some footage of later, and encouraging disc drive so we can pick it up as a sport. It's going really well so far, so fingers crossed that it just continues to build like her tug drive did.

Here's a couple of videos of her playing disc with me. I apologize that the outside shot is out of focus but I was too lazy to go to my truck to get my tripod! I also included some footage of us working at our indoor location where we have a lot more space (oh, and no wind!).

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