Thursday, October 25, 2018

Dogs At Large trial - Kenna MJDC

We were at another local trial recently where both girls ran fabulously. All of the errors were mine - I messed each dog up once with my handling... Kenna on her Masters Standard run (not videoed) and Kili on her Challenge.

Kili was a very good girl but the entire day I felt like she was a bit slow. At first I wondered if she is just getting older and needs to be dropped down to Specials. She's also had a bunch of time off for that toe injury, but I did run her at the CKC trial last month and she was wickedly fast. Finally after the final run of the day, as I was running her back to her kennel my trainer noticed that she was limping on her back left leg. I couldn't find anything significant with it and she is right back to normal again, so she must have just tweaked something.

Kenna finished her Master Jumpers Dog of Canada title as well on this final run. Good girl. We really need more Gamble and Snooker runs to enter as we're falling behind on those. She still needs one of each to get out of Advanced... we just haven't entered any trials offering them lately!

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