Sunday, October 23, 2011

Summit could be a star!

So this is a shameless plug to ask for everyone who reads my blog to vote for Summit. A Canadian cellphone company is having a casting call to find the next face of their advertisements. The company is called FIDO and their ads always feature a dog. The company is also donating a dollar for every vote (up to $200, 000) to the Canadian Guide Dog Association. So there are two reasons to vote. Money gets donated to a great cause, and a greyhound could get some great press for the breed. Plus, let's face it, Summit is gorgeous and he's well trained. What more could they want for shooting ads?

You can vote once a day until November 15.

Click here to vote for Summit!

Thanks in advance to anyone who votes for us!

End shameless plug for votes.


jet said...


Greyhounds CAN Sit said...

Just voted, good luck to Summit:)