Friday, February 18, 2011

Getting Started

Wednesday was our first Grade 2 Obedience class. Summit did great! He was actually one of the best students in class I thought. He had the best down/stay by far. I have proofed his down/stay enough so far that I can walk away from him, around him, behind him, unclip his leash, etc. and he won't move. The other dogs were moving around or at least shifting positions. I was very proud of him. We also started working on heeling exercises and drop recall exercises. Those are coming along pretty well, though I have to say that he seems to have some trouble with the idea of having to watch me and walk at the same time. He automatically wants to stop walking when he looks at me. He can't mutli-task... typically boy.

At the end of the class the dogs get introduced to agility obstacles. We did a jump, the table, and a tunnel. Summit has no idea how to jump. The first time over he stepped over it gingerly, which made everyone laugh. But after a couple more tries he was running and jumping over it. Next time I'm hoping we can get some more height as the bar was under my knee. The table wasn't a big deal, but we couldn't get him through the tunnel. He statued and wouldn't go. The best we got was his head and a forefoot in looking for treats. We will continue to work on that. This isn't even an agility course yet, so he's got time before he really needs to be going through it.

All in all it was a great experience. Can't wait for next week!

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